Monday, June 10, 2013

Captain Power Station and the Soldiers of the Dismal Future

A few weeks ago we borrowed some bikes (for free from the government tourist office) and cycled down some of the area's many separated bike lanes (Toronto, sit up straight and pay attention) to an unusual site: an abandoned electrical power station. I've read about this place from a few sites I visit who said the interior is a remarkable work of graffiti and modern aboriginal visual art, but unfortunately it's not open to the public. Makes for some pretty cool photos though.

The legendary South Fremantle Power Station.

Protected by isolation, electric fences, and the will of the local Fremantle authority.

In other words, we gots to bust in that joint yo.

The fence is electrified and we didn't have any car floor mats to use to get over it. 
Going to have to figure out another way in. 
Around the back of the station 
Lots of ambience on the walls, but still no way to enter. 
The search for a breaching point continues 

Amy on the edge of the small ridge we had to climb to get to the back of the power station

We rode bikes to get out here. It felt like that period when ET came out, when having a BMX bike meant you were a rebel and could outrun police cars by jumping off ramps in backyards.

Fewer dorky helmets back then too.

Rusty wreck. This is as close as I could get without falling in a pit from which there is no escape.

Reminds me of the Fallout franchise.

Or McCormac's "The Road"

In the future we will have nothing to survive on besides our wits

And poorly structured sentences.

Arranged to appear.

As a dying man's thoughts

Turning from survival.

To his son's safe refuge.

Perhaps this abandoned Fremantle Power Station

Will protect him from the storm.

And me from the worms.

I'm so tired.


At this point we saw a security guard coming around the corner. We beat it. No point getting arrested in a foreign country where nobody speaks English.

haha ... just security... ha... i'm gettin' out of here


And to finish, a grade school plant conservation project in the scrub by the ocean

We didn't manage to actually enter the structure but this guy did. Maybe one day I'll own a RC photo drone and I'll be able to come back and get inside without anybody knowing.

Yeah right.


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