Friday, May 17, 2013

Funny names Australians give their children

I thought we had a lot of non-traditional names in North America.  But I should have taken a hint when I said to someone "My name is Amy" and they asked "How do you spell that?". One day, I even found my name written on the white board in the theatre as "AIMEE".  Ugh.

Aussie's love to make up names just as much as they like to shorten words.  They also like to name their kids short forms of proper traditional English names as their legal names rather than the full version.  They also like to take away letters and add letters, which makes me wonder if they just don't know how to spell.  Then comes the racial thing.  In North America, some names will offer a hint to a person's racial background.  In Australia, they are mostly white and occasionally indiginous, but really mostly white.  So these names seem even more out of place.   Read on and tell us if you agree at the end...

Chris and I have complied this list of "Funny names Australians give their children" so far:

Ayden: Just to make "Aiden" a little different.
Bill:  Not short for William.  Legally, just "Bill". 
Chas-Lee: I'm pretty sure this is made up
Cher-Leisa:  I'm pretty sure this is made up too
Chershannah:  When asked about her name, this person said frankly "my mom made it up"
Chriss:  That's right, "Chris" with a double "S" at the end. Not even short for Christopher.
Cheryal:  I thought this was pronounced "Sher-ee-all".  But it's pronounced "Cheryl". 
Donaugh: This is probably the only authentic (Irish) name.  I just thought I sounded funny calling a man "Donna".
Jadan:  Pronounced "Jayden"
Jonay:  When said by an Aussie, it actually sounds like "Jenny"
Jasinta:  I thought this is usually spelled "Jacintha".  It's rare in Canada, but very common among white women in Australia.
Kipcharlie: Because middle names are for losers.
Sheen:  When said by an Aussie accent, it actually sounds like "Shane".
Symantha:  Australians don't know how to pronounce the letter "a" anyway.
Xzavaier: Don't get me started on this one....

And the kicker.....

La-a:  Pronounced "Lah-dash-ah".

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