Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Tortoise Amongst Turtles: Video

Amy in the tunnel and then I drop my camera.

Turtle coming through

Turtle catches me unawares

Smooth ray stalking people in the tube. Also, my finger.

More turtle action. The diver in frame at the start is Chris the divemaster. See all those bubbles coming out of the octo on his tank? Those aren't supposed to be there. There's a rubber O-ring that creates a seal for air to pass through from the tank to your regulator that should be inspected before every dive for any cracks or abnormalities. Since all three tanks had O-rings with massive cracks in them, Chris took the one with the biggest deficiencies, which is why his gear is leaking air. On a real dive this would be an issue but in a controlled shallow water short dive I suppose it's not a deal breaker.

I think this is a nurse shark hovering over the tunnel. This little run next to the tunnel is called Shark Alley since they like to populate this area so frequently. You can find quite a few shark teeth on the ground if you keep your eyes open. I managed to pick up two, lost one en route. Dive master ended up finding fifteen or so.

You can see how big the sharks are compared to the dude in the tunnel. That guy was probably around 6 feet tall, and I think the shark was close to 9 feet. Unfortunately the GoPro housing tends to make things look farther away than they really are so things seem small... but them sharks were hugemungous. Cameo by pool guy.

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